Our fabulous LAPHC has upcoming elections and we need people interested in making a difference! Your input is desired to shape the future of the club.
- Leads and coordinates LAPHC operations, delegates duties and management of LAPHC operations.
- Serves as liaison with PHIP by reporting LAPHC actions and activities as required by PHIP.
- Initiates and maintains communication with other Parrot Head Clubs.
- Leads Board Meetings and ensures that all Meetings are held on time and begin with a basic overview of LAPHC business.
- Organizes and maintains Member information as supplied on LAPHC application forms as well as updates provided throughout the year.
- Meets and greets new members at all LAPHC events and phlockings.
- Periodically prepares and electronically disseminates information to members on LAPHC activities. (i.e. Weekly newsletter blast)
- Responsible for production of LAPHC literature. Develops and/or maintains uniform theme in presentation of the LAPHC to the public.
- Oversees and updates website as needed. (with assistance from Webmaster)
- Archives LAPHC documentation and literature including correspondence between LAPHC Officers.
- Records Minutes at each Board Meeting and makes them available for Board review prior to the next meeting. If unable to attend, shall advise the President who will make arrangements with another Board Member to take Board Meeting Minutes..
- Coordinates special events, promotions and phlockings.
- Works in conjunction with the charities director.
Think about how you would like to see the club evolve and what role you could have in making this the very best Parrothead club in Southern California! Training will be offered for each position! If you would like to volunteer or nominate someone you think would be interested, please email us!